INSPIRE Pakistan

Informing the Social Health Protection Initiative through Rigorous Evidence


Qualitative Provider Panel: Understanding the Readiness of Health Facilities to Provide Services under the Outpatient Scheme

Empaneled public and private health facilities will provide outpatient health services under the new outpatient scheme. In order to understand the readiness of these health facilities to provide these services, the qualitative working group of INSPIRE Pakistan interviewed medical officers in 12 public and 6 private health facilities in Mardan district, which will be empaneled under the scheme. 

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Population Panel: Final Survey Wave Before Scheme Start Successfully Completed 

The latest wave of data collection for the population panel represents a significant achievement in understanding the needs and characteristics of beneficiaries under the OPD scheme. An unexpected change in the eligibility criteria for the planned outpatient scheme required our research consortium to update our sample in line with these new criteria. The KMU, FAU and H-BRS teams made this milestone possible through the efficient coordination and mobilization of resources, even without initially budgeting for this major effort.

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