Aditya Ujeniya's blog

A beginners perspective and experience into the world of HPC


CUDA-Aware-MPI: Part 4: Optimizing strided data communication between GPUs

Hello readers, This is the fourth part from the 4-part CUDA-Aware-MPI series. In this blog series, we will use only NVIDIA GPGPUs and assume that the user know basics about CUDA-Aware-MPI  from the official blogpost :[1]. Also, we assume that the reader knows about solving the 2D Poisson equation. For this, we are going […]

CUDA-Aware-MPI: Part 3: Solving 2D Poisson Equation with 2D domain decomposition

Hello readers, This is the third part from the 4-part CUDA-Aware-MPI series. In this blog series, we will use only NVIDIA GPGPUs and assume that the user know basics about CUDA-Aware-MPI  from the official blogpost :[1]. Also, we assume that the reader knows about solving the 2D Poisson equation. For this, we are going […]

CUDA-Aware-MPI: Part 2: Solving 2D Poisson Equation with 1D domain decomposition

Hello readers, This is the second part from the 4-part CUDA-Aware-MPI series. In this blog series, we will use only NVIDIA GPGPUs and assume that the user know basics about CUDA-Aware-MPI  from the official blogpost :[1]. Also, we assume that the reader knows about solving the 2D Poisson equation. For this, we are going […]