
Mirrors generating most traffic in 2015

Here are the most used mirrors in 2015:

Rank Mirror Traffic 2015 in TB Rank/Traffic 2014 (for comparison)
1 qtproject (Qt Toolkit) 199 1 / 172
2 kiwix 179 – / 0
3 mint/iso (Linux Mint ISOs) 177 10 / 31
4 opensuse 139 2 / 106
5 fedora 100 6 / 44
6 eclipse 97 4 / 86
7 (Talk recordings from CCC conferences) 83 8 / 32
8 ctan (comprehensive TEX archive network) 63 7 / 40
9 tdf (The Document Foundation – LibreOffice) 48 5 / 48
10 videolan 40 3 / 88

Kiwix on rank 2 has only been mirrored since March 2015, so it generated that amount of traffic in only 9 and a half months – it might well take over the top spot next year. The Ubuntu release ISOs dropped out of the Top 10 for IPv4. As is to be expected, the CCC conference recordings generate extremely peaky traffic after CCC events – setting a new record high with 11.3 TB in just one day on December 30 (after 32C3). It might even have made a little bit more, but unfortunately the webserver ran out of threads because someone apparently distributed web-torrent-files with 64 KB of chunksize.

The list is slightly different for IPv6.

Rank Mirror IPv6 Traffic 2015 in TB Rank/Traffic 2014 (for comparison)
1 mint/iso (Linux Mint ISOs) 22.1 10 / 3.1
2 (Talk recordings from CCC conferences) 15.2 6 / 4.7
3 kiwix 14.5 – / 0.0
4 fedora 11.5 7 / 3.6
5 qtproject (Qt Toolkit) 11.5 1 / 9.1
6 opensuse 10.8 3 / 6.6
7 debian 9.3 5 / 5.4
8 tdf (The Document Foundation – LibreOffice) 8.1 8 / 3.4
9 eclipse 7.4 4 / 5.8
10 ubuntu-releases (Ubuntu CD Images) 6.0 9 / 3.2

IPv6 traffic is up – from 7.86% over all mirrors in 2014 to 10.54% in 2015. Absolute IPv6 traffic is also up in 2015 for all mirrors in the Top 10. The share of IPv6 traffic varies greatly between the mirrors.