Data Science at the Command Line
A state of the art paraphraser. Permutes input sentences, while maintaining semantic meaning.
Crash Course Statistics
Finite State Machines and Regex
34C3 – Social Bots, Fake News und Filterblasen
Analyse von Spiegel Online
The GNU Emacs Calculator
Calc is an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool written by Dave Gillespie that runs as part of the GNU Emacs environment.
An AI That Can Build AI
Chatbot Personality
As Wizenbaum’s coworkers in the Artificial Intelligence Lab sat down to chat with ELIZA, they began to unload their burdens, as if it was a real therapist. Wizenbaum’s own secretary, who remained nameless in literature, but is described as “surely knowing [sic] it to be merely a computer program,” even once asked him to leave the room so she could have some privacy with ELIZA.