News from the International Office

Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology


Call: scholarships for international students about to graduate

Do you come from abroad and study at the FAU? Then you can apply until 25 October for a scholarship for international students about to graduate. The degree should be reached by the end of the winter semester 2018/19 at the latest. You can apply if you are a master student. The deadline for submitting the application documents is 25 October 2018, 12 noon. Further information:

“Trajectories of Change”, Ph.D. Scholarships in Humanities and Social Sciences

The scholarship programme “Trajectories of Change” addresses historical and current transformation processes in the European neighbourhood. It offers stipends and fieldwork grants for Ph.D. students in the humanities and social sciences. For 2018, research applications dealing with transnational and regional dynamics of transformation are especially welcome. The programme offers flexible funding schemes for Ph.D. students at various stages of their dissertation research as well as for graduate students in the […]

Wanted: Interviewees from European and non-European countries

The City of Nuremberg is applying for European Capital of Culture 2025. In the context of this application, an Oral History Project has been launched in the city archives, which specifically deals with the study of the views of young immigrants on the city and city society. We are looking for – presently and continuously throughout the project – interviewees from European and non-European countries, who are willing to give […]

FIT Intensive German Course

Registration for the next holiday intensive German course (FIT course) is still open until 3.8.2018. The course starts on 12.9.2018 and ends on 28.9.2018. The participants will be informed of their course level and the location by e-mail no later than 10.9.18. Course times: Monday to Thursday 10 am – 3.30 pm. The course fee is 315 Euro. The placement tests will take place on the 5th and 6th of […]

Weekend trip: Nymphenburg Palace and Neuschwanstein

The Central Office of International Affairs is offering a weekend trip with an overnight stay to some of the most beautiful castles in Bavaria: Nymphenburg Palace in Munich, Linderhof Palace and Neuschwanstein Castle. When? From May 5th to May 6th 2018. Included is the transfer by bus and the overnight stay (incl. breakfast and lunchbox for Sunday). We will visit Nymphenburg Palace and Linderhof Palace. At Neuschwanstein Castle, we will […]

International Afternoons in Summer Semester

Come to join fellow students at an international afternoon organized by the Faculty. As an international student, you meet German students, as an outgoing you meet students who have previously studied abroad or are planning to do so. You may bring along a snack of your culture/country and a musical instrument – or just yourself. The event will be in German and English. We are looking forward to seeing you […]

Day trips for international students

Hello everyone! The FVI (FAU Volunteers for Internationals) is offering several trips this semester. The trips are: 1) 14.04.2018: Würzburg (35 spots, 4€) 2) 14.04.2018: München (25 spots, 5€) 3) 21.04.2018: Würzburg (35 spots, 4€) 4) 21.04.2018: München (25 spots, 5€) You can register for ONE trip, please send · your Name, · the number of the trip and · your nationality to until April 12th Included is always […]