egrep und regexps

Nachdem ich das immer wieder vergesse und perl nicht immer die erste Wahl sein kann, ein paar Erinnerungshilfen zu egrep:

  [:alpha:] Any alphabetic character
  [:lower:] Any lowercase character
  [:upper:] Any uppercase character
  [:digit:] Any digit
  [:alnum:] Any alphanumeric character (alphabetic or digit)
  [:space:] Any white space character (space, tab, vertical tab)
  [:graph:] Any printable character, except space
  [:print:] Any printable character, including the space
  [:punct:] Any punctuation (i.e., a printable character that ...
  [:cntrl:] Any nonprintable character
  character        matches
  .                Any character
  \.               A period
  $                End of line
  \$               A dollar sign
  *                Zero or more occurrences of the preceding expression
  \*               An asterisk
  \                Nothing -- is an escape character
  \\               A backslash
  |                Create an "or" branch between two expressions
  \|               A vertical bar

Und dann noch ein kurzer Vergleich zwischen grep und egrep:

  egrep             grep              meaning
  [a-z]{2,4}       [a-z]\{2,4\}     Two through four characters
  [a-z]{4}         [a-z]\{4\}       Exactly four characters
  [a-z]{4,}        [a-z]\{4,\}      Four or more characters
  [a-z]{,4}        [a-z]\{,4\}      Zero through four characters
