
Mirrors generating most traffic in 2017

The total traffic of increased from 1.89 PB in 2016 to 2.51 PB in 2017, by 33%. 203 TB alone was accounted to one of our newest additions from late may 2017: lineageos, a free and open-source android distribution and successor of cyanogenmod (which was discontinued).

Rank Mirror Traffic 2017 in TB Rank/Traffic 2016 (for comparison)
1 kiwix (offline Wikipedia) 371 2 / 262
2 qtproject (Qt Toolkit) 274 1 / 264
3 lineageos (Free and Open-Source Android distribution) 203 (since late may) – / –
4 mint/iso 190 5 / 134
5 opensuse 152 4 / 145
6 osmc (Open Source Media Center) 149 3 / 172
7 eclipse 147 6 / 131
8 fedora 103 7 / 115
9 (Talk recordings from CCC conferences) 99 8 / 91
10 ctan (comprehensive TEX archive network) 93 9 / 76

The total IPv6 traffic increased significantly, to 22% (0.55 PB) of all traffic in 2017, from 14% in 2016 and 11% in 2015.