Aktuelle Informationen – Internationales

Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft – FAU Erlangen/Nürnberg


Einladung zum Pre-Departure Orientation Workshop 2019 – Vorbereitung auf einen akademische Auslandsaufenthalt in den USA oder Kanada

Im Juni findet wieder einen Pre-Departure Orientation Workshop für Studierende und Graduierte bayerischer Hochschulen statt, für Studierende und Forschende, die im Herbst 2019 ihr Studium oder einen Forschungsaufenthalt in Kanada oder den USA aufnehmen werden.

Nürnberg – Freitag, 14. Juni 2019, 9:30-16:00 Uhr
DAI Nürnberg, Gleißbühlstraße 9, 90402 Nürnberg

In dem eintägigen Workshop unterstützen wir die Teilnehmer*innen bei der Vorbereitung ihres Kanada- bzw. USA-Aufenthaltes und informieren sie über das studentische und akademische Leben in Nordamerika. Die Veranstaltung steht sowohl Studierenden und Graduierten offen, die im Rahmen eines Austausch- oder Stipendienprogramms nach Kanada oder in die USA gehen, als auch denjenigen, die ihren dortigen Aufenthalt selbst organisiert haben.

Das Veranstaltungsprogramm sowie das Anmeldeformular finden Sie auf unseren jeweiligen Webseiten.

Kontakt: mail@dai-nuernberg.de

Exchange Program (intership) – Brazilian Supreme Court – Law students

We would like to inform you about the Exchange Program in the Law area between the Universities partners of University of Brasilia and Supreme Courts of Mercosur.

This academic-legal program began in 2009 and it is an initiative that allows participants to learn about the Brazilian legal system, paying special attention to the administration of justice at the federal level.

The exchange takes place within the framework of Teixeira de Freitas Program, with the aim of stimulating academic cooperation through regional dialogue in the Mercosur countries. They can apply for undergraduate students in Law from Bloco Universities and also from other countries.

In addition to taking courses at the Faculty of Law of the University of Brasília-UnB during a semester, the selected students complete a two-month internship at Brazilian Supreme Federal Court – STF. The activities carried out are diversified, both in STF and in the other Brazilian justice bodies. Students will attent plenary sessions of the STF, visit relevant institutions for Brazilian Justice and perform internships in specific areas of the Tribunal, including in the Cabinet of Ministers, whenever possible.

During the internship, students can summarize the most important decisions of the Court, participate in debates about legal institutes in comparison with the other participating countries and carry out other daily activities of the Court. The Program also includes a research project in Comparative Law, which will be developed in STF in conjunction with the studies at UnB.

The Program also welcomes graduate students and teachers for technical visits and short investigations for a period of one to two weeks. For this type of visit, the applicant must submit a work plan to be developed and can choose the date of the short internship.

For more details of the Program, please read the attached document and see the links:



video: https://youtu.be/Z6m-Ao6aT2c



Faculty of Law (FD/UnB) – http://fd.unb.br/

Research Groups for teachers and graduate students:



  1. a) Application until May 30, 2019: for exchange of undergraduate / graduate students (to do the internship during the 2nd semester of 2019).
  2. b) Applications must be sent to the e-mail of the International Advisory (INT / UnB – Coordination of Exchange) intweb@unb.br.

Additional information available in the link: http://int.unb.br/br/estude-na-unb/intercambio/programa-teixeira-de-freitas-stf?menu=670