INSPIRE Pakistan

Informing the Social Health Protection Initiative through Rigorous Evidence


Research symposium on social health protection in Peshawar, Pakistan

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Launch of SHPI Research Phase 2024-25

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Consultative meeting with SHPI-II stakeholders to prepare next phase of research

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Seven years later: Hospital utilization and financial protection under an established inpatient insurance scheme

Five years ago, our team delved into the impact of the SHPI insurance, which at that time, only covered inpatient care. We were curious about how this insurance affected the healthcare consumption of the poor, and so we conducted a baseline survey in 2015 and a follow-up survey in 2017. Our latest research project takes things further with a phone-based follow-up survey to measure the long-term effects of this established inpatient insurance scheme.

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Dissemination meeting: public provider, private provider, and population panel

On June 16, the research consortium invited the key stakeholders of the SHPI Phase II project to a dissemination workshop of three new policy briefs. The workshop took place online and was a great opportunity for the research team members to present some insights on both the provider as well as the beneficiary side which are relevant for the implementation of the OPD insurance scheme, scheduled to start soon.

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DEval grant awarded to team members for rigorous evaluation of OPD scheme

Prof. Landmann and Prof. Helmsmüller from Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg have been awarded funding by the German Institute for Development Evaluation (Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – DEval) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). In the project called Impact evaluation of the OPD health insurance in Northern Pakistan, they will conduct a rigorous quantitative measurement of the effects of outpatient health insurance. The funding period runs from March 1, 2023 until September 30, 2025.

German team in Pakistan and preparation of wave 3 of the population panel

Research meetings and training in Islamabad

For two weeks, the population panel team met in Pakistan for intense sessions on preparing an upcoming telephonic data collection as well as refining and piloting further survey tools. Dr. Lisa Rogge and Alina Imping travelled on the 12th of February and were joined in Islamabad by the Khyber Medical University (KMU) colleagues for most of the time. One main purpose of travel was to prepare the third wave of data collection of the population panel. The 3rd wave comprises a telephonic survey entailing re-interviewing the panel households approximately a year after the last in-person interview. The main interest is to evaluate the current health needs, health care utilization and health care expenditure, especially Outpatient Department (OPD) care visits not forgetting neglected health care visits.

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