Using pre-built binaries
Does not work as SuSE SLES10SP1 is too different …; one very strange thing is that the gcc-4.3.1 included in the ThridParty packages does work in 32-bit but complains about an incompatible library in 64-bit mode although the library is a correct 64-bit *.so
Building from sources using the Intel Compiler (10.1)
Fails due to problems with C++ templates, etc.
Building gcc-4.3.x manually
Has too many dependencies to quickly do it (MPFR and GNUMP – the SuSE SLES10SP1 versions are too old)
Building from sources using gcc-4.2.2
Requires a patch for autoRefineDriver.C to avoid fatal “invalid conversion” error message; cf.
Some general tricks
- use WM_COMPILER_INST=System to specify that the system’s gcc should be used and not one which is part of OpenFOAM
- use WM_NCOMPPROCS to specify the number of CPUs on which make may run concurrently (i.e. the value for make’s -j parameter)
- at least for building ParaView, cmake (and of course Qt-4.3.x) must be available; it is likely that PV3FoamReader must be compiled afterwards (cf. OF-Readme) and it also depends on cmake
- when building ParaView, CMAKE_HOME and W_COMPILER_DIR must be set as some sed commands fail otherwise