Kompetenznetzwerk für wissenschaftliches Höchstleistungsrechnen in Bayern


Workshop am LRZ: Performance Analysis and Workload Characterization with IPM, 17.9.2009

IPM is a profiling and workload characterization tool for MPI applications. IPM achieves its goal of minimizing monitoring overhead by recording performance data in a fixed-size hash table resident in memory and carefully optimizing time-critical operations. At the same time, IPM offers very detailed and user-centric performance metrics. IPM’s performance data is delivered as an XML file that can subsequently be used to generate HTML pages, avoiding the need for custom GUI programs. Pairwise communication volume between processes, communication time breakdown across ranks, MPI operation timings, and MPI message sizes (buffer lengths) are some of IPM’s most widely used features. IPM is available at http://ipm-hpc.sourceforge.net for download and is distributed under the LGPL license.

Vortragende: David Skinner and Karl Fuerlinger, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)

Ort/Termin: Leibniz Rechenzentrum, Garching, Kommissionsraum H.2.002, 17 September 2009, 14:00 s.t.