Kompetenznetzwerk für wissenschaftliches Höchstleistungsrechnen in Bayern


Course: Scalasca Parallel Performance Measurement and Analysis, LRZ, March 9-10, 2009

In collaboration with the Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) is offering on 9th and 10th of March, 2009 the Course: Scalasca Parallel Performance Measurement and Analysis. To learn more about Scalasca visit the Scalasca homepage.

The course will contain practical hand-on sessions. Therefore, we have limited space, early registration is highly recommended. The
registration is first come, first served.

Workshop: Heterogeneous Computing with Nvidia GPGPUs, LRZ, February 11th, 2009

Recently, it became popular to utilise the many cores present in modern graphics cards (GPUs, graphics processing units) for general purpose computing applications. This development led to GPGPUs, or general-purpose computing on graphics processing units. With a peak performance of 1 TFlop/s, the new Tesla GPGPUs from Nvidia promise supercomputing power for the costs of a workstation.

GPGPUs are true many core processors (e.g. current Tesla computing processors have 240 cores). Since their archtitecture differs much from commodity x86 CPUs, new programming models and abstraction layers are needed. For this, Nvidia developed the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA).

The workshop will give an introduction into GPGPU computing, the CUDA parallel programming model and real world applications. Additionally, Nvidia and FluiDyna will showcase Tesla GPGPU computing products.

The LRZ is proud to host this workshop on heterogeneous computing on GPGPUs, organized by Nvidia and FluiDyna.

The event will take place in the lecture halls at LRZ in Garching

Course "Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems", LRZ (RRZE), March 2-6, 2009

Course "Parallel Programming of High Performance Systems", LRZ (RRZE), March 2-6, 2009

Linux Cluster Workshop am LRZ: 8./9.12.2008

Am 8. und 9. Dezember 208 findet am LRZ ein Linux Cluster Workshop statt. Unterschiedliche Gruppen stellen Projekte vor, die auf dem Linux-Cluster am LRZ durchgeführt werden. Mitarbeiter des LRZ geben darüberhinaus einen Einblick in besondere LRZ-Dienste (z.B. Visualisierung, Grid-Computing) sowie einen Ausblick auf künftige HPC-Rechner und dafür geeignete Programmiermodelle.

OMI4papps kickoff-Meeting

Im LRZ in Garching findet am 11. November 2008 ab 13:30 das kickoff-Meeting des KONWIHR-II-Projektes OMI4papps statt. Im Rahmen der geschlossenen Veranstaltung werden die Mitarbeiter der HPC-Gruppen des LRZ und des RRZE aktuelle Projekte sowie geplante Aktivitäten vorstellen und diskutieren.

Course: „Introduction to Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF)“, HLRS, Oct. 15

Course: „Introduction to Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF)“, HLRS, Oct. 15

Dr. Andrew A. Johnson (Digital Rocket Science LLC, USA) is giving an introduction to Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) which is a new model for parallel programming. Unified Parallel C (UPC) and Co-array Fortran (CAF) are PGAS extensions to C and Fortran. For more details see the course web page of HLRS.