Kompetenznetzwerk für wissenschaftliches Höchstleistungsrechnen in Bayern


Neue Ausgabe #88 des Quartl veröffentlicht

Ausgabe 88 des KONWIHR-Quartl ist nun verfügbar. Es finden sich darin Beiträge zu folgenden Themen:

  • A search for plane-filling fractal monster curves on the triangle-grid
  • NEC Aurora Tsubasa am RRZE
  • FAU Students at Student Cluster Competition at SC18
  • SuperMUC-NG am LRZ: Next-Gen Science Symposium
  • Internationales HPC-Symposium in Erlangen
  • SPPEXA goes Tokyo
  • Tatort: Anmerkungen zur KI
  • 150 Jahre TUM – Wagners Meistersinger im Nationaltheater
  • Nachlese: Ferienakademie 2018

Aktuelle und vergangene Quartl-Ausgaben können unter https://www5.in.tum.de/wiki/index.php/Quartl heruntergeladen werden.

Course: C++ for Beginners


February 11-15, 2019, 9:00 – 17:00


FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg,
Computer Science Building
Martensstr. 3, Room 02.135-113 (2nd floor)
91058 Erlangen, Germany


This C++ training is an introductory course on the C++ programming language. The focus of the training is on the introduction of the essential language features and the syntax of C++. Additionally, it introduces many C++ software development principles, concepts, idioms, and best practices, which enable programmers to create professional, high-quality code from the very beginning. The course aims at understanding the core of the C++ programming language, teaches guidelines to develop mature, robust, maintainable, and efficient C++ software, and helps to avoid the most common pitfalls. Attendees should have a grasp of general programming (in any language).


Seminarvortrag: Fraktale Monsterkurven

Wir laden herzlich ein zum KONWIHR-Projektvortrag von Prof. Dr. Arndt  und Julia Handl (FH Nürnberg) im Rahmen des HPC-Seminars am Dienstag, dem 05. Juni 2018 um 16:15 Uhr im Raum 2.249, Martensstraße 3, Erlangen mit dem Titel „Fraktale Monsterkurven“

LIKWID 1.0beta veröffentlicht

Die im Rahmen der KONWIHR-Projekts OMI4paps entwickelten Tools des LIKWID Frameworks haben die Version 1.0beta erreicht.

A lot of issues were fixed, among these are:

  • a complete rewrite of the perfmon module for cleaner code base
  • string handling was ported to a library with memory management
  • lots of bugs were fixed
  • better error checks (Event -> Register mapping is now validated)

New features mainly with regard to likwid-perfCtr are:

  • output in tabular form with improved formatting
  • Nehalem Uncore events now fully supported with socket lock
  • as many custom events as there are counters can be measured in one run
  • new flexible marker API with named regions and accumulated results
  • Supported events and counters can be printed on the command line (-e)

The code is available on the Likwid homepage at: http://code.google.com/p/likwid/

Please read the updated WIKI pages for more information. Feedback about problems with the applications or the documentation are welcome.

2. BMBF-HPC-Call veröffentlicht

Ende Februar wurde vom BMBF der zweite Call aus der Reihe „HPC-Software für skalierbare Parallelrechner“ veröffentlicht: http://www.bmbf.de/foerderungen/14191.php

Gefördert werden interdisziplinäre Verbindprojekte bei denen eine nachhaltige Nutzung der gewonnenen Erkenntnisse durch eine breite Anwenderschar sichergestellt ist.

Antragsskizzen müssen bis zum 31. Mai 2010 beim BMBF bzw. dem beauftragten Projektträger eingereicht werden.


The DEISA Consortium has issued the fifth DEISA Extreme Computing Initiative (DECI) call for proposals. The deadline of this call is on 4 May 2009. DECI is a scheme through which European computational scientists can apply for single-project access to world-leading computational resources in the European HPC infrastructure for a period of up to 12 months. DECI aims to enable European researchers to obtain access to the most powerful national computing resources in Europe, regardless of their country of origin or work and to enhance DEISA’s impact on European science and technology at the highest level. In addition to offering access to computing resources, DEISA offers applications-enabling assistance from experts at the leading European HPC centres to faciliate the running of projects on the most appropriate platforms in the DEISA consortium. Projects supported by DECI will be chosen on the basis of innovation potential, scientific excellence and relevance criteria. Priority will be given to proposals that promote collaborative research, either at a cross- national or cross-disciplinary level. Further, proposals from principle investigators (PIs) that have yet to benefit from DECI compute and applications enabling resources may be given preference. Proposals selected under this call will be given access to the infrastructure for applications enabling from 1 October 2009 and for production runs from 1 November 2009 to 30 September 2010. To answer the call, please contact the DEISA support team at LRZ (deisa-support@lrz.de). We will provide you with further instructions on how to proceed and will assist you in preparing your proposal. Further information regarding the application profiles supported by DECI and on how to proceed is available at http://www.deisa.eu/science/deci/deci-call-for-proposals2009
