Nachrichten aus dem Internationalen Büro

der Philosophischen Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie


Day trips for international students

Hello everyone!

The FVI (FAU Volunteers for Internationals) is offering several trips this semester.

The trips are:

1) 14.04.2018: Würzburg (35 spots, 4€)
2) 14.04.2018: München (25 spots, 5€)
3) 21.04.2018: Würzburg (35 spots, 4€)
4) 21.04.2018: München (25 spots, 5€)

You can register for ONE trip, please send
· your Name,
· the number of the trip and
· your nationality

to until April 12th

Included is always the train ticket and the city tour.

For all trips: bring the money in cash (and if you can bring the right amount!), BE PUNCTUAL and check the wheather report.

We are looking forward to seeing you!!

all programmes for the trips