
Conflicts with supervisor

Graduate Centre

At the Graduate Centre experienced researchers with the best overview over all regulations and all sources of help at our FAU. The Graduate Centre is there to support doctoral candidates and will help you directly and informally. Furthermore, they offer you contact data for mediators at the respective faculty. This mediators are usually emeritus professor that are not involved in the daily business of the faculty anymore, but are willing to support the concerns of young researchers.

Commission for Research Conflict Management

If you are in a conflict with colleagues or your advisor and attempts to solve the problem personally failed, you can contact the Commission for Research Conflict Management (Kommission zur Konfliktlösung an wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsplätzen). You should choose one of the members of the commission and contact this person. Then, he or she will consult and support you confidentially. This contact person will try to mediate the conflict with all persons involved. The contact persons are listed and a German-language regulation of the mediation procedure is linked above.

Sexual Harassment

In case of sexual harassment, the Office for Gender and Diversity supports and consults (scroll down for an english version). This Guidelines for dealing with sexual harassment contains information about the FAUs policy.
Additionally, there is the Senior Officer for Gender (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte), however this officers focuses on non-scientific employees. Thus, researchers should contact the Office for Gender and Diversity first.


In cases of discrimination concerning ethnic origin, gender, view of life, disability, age or sexual identity, the Office for Gender and Diversity supports you. Regrettably, the information is only available in German, but do not hesitate to contact the persons below “Ansprechpersonen”.

General conflicts

For general conflicts, the contact person for conflict management of the personnel administration (Ansprechpartner*in für Konfliktmanagement) can be consulted. Once again, all information is given in German, but the only information you need is the contact data. If you understand German-language texts, the flyer gives more detailed information.
Additonally, he University counselling service offers support for all employees of FAU in cases of conflicts at the workspace.

Personnel Council (Personalrat)

Besides the support listed above, there is also the Personnel Council (Personalrat). They support employees of FAU regarding various questions (contracts, health, discrimination, …). However, their focus is rather on the non-scientific employees.