Call Emerging Talents Initiative: Apply until 11th September

A new call for applications for the young researchers’ programme Emerging Talents Initiative (ETI) has just started – the deadline is 11th September 2019. The programme offers excellent young FAU researchers support to apply to an external funding provider within the funding period (12 months), for example the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) or the European Research Council (ERC). The maximum amount of funding is 15,000 euros. Within this budget, postdoctoral researchers may apply for any measures required to prepare their application for third-party funding, such as staff costs, consumables or travel expenses. Additionally, the programme includes courses of the Graduate Centre (e.g. on applying for third-party funding), a network of young researchers and advice from an experienced mentor.

The programme targets postdoctoral researchers at the beginning of their career whose experience and research profile show potential for a career in research. “Emerging talents” can apply up to six years after completing their doctoral degree. Applicants should neither have completed their habilitation nor their intermediary evaluation for junior professorship. During the ETI funding period they must be employed at FAU. We particularly welcome applications from female researchers and “first-time applicants”. Young researchers from the Faculty of Medicine are not eligible to apply as the Faculty offers its own corresponding programmes (e.g. ELAN/IZKF-first-time applicant programme).

All information and application documents can be found on the ETI homepage. Please contact F 3 with any questions (contact: Dr. Anne Buhmann, 09131-85-26344).