FAU Doctoral Representation Elections have started! Support your favourite candidate & your faculty for the election cup!

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Use your vote

It’s not quite the European election, but as always in democratic structures: Use your vote to support its democratic foundation! For real, a high voter turnout will help whoever gets elected to truthfully speak for us as Doctoral Researchers within FAU. To put it more clearly: Not voting automatically weakens our say!

Good news: Voting in the FAU election is as simple as voting in the European elections in Estonia.

It’s possible within 1 minute online:

Remember: You have 2 votes in total and can give either 2 votes to 1 candidate or 1 vote each to 2 candidates.

The elections run until 19.06.2024 9:00. Obviously, voting as soon as possible ensures to certainly use your vote and have a say.

This year: Biggest choice of candidates EVER

This year you have the biggest choice of candidates for 2 offices per faculty since the foundation in 2013:

  • MedFak: 5 Candidates
  • NatFak: 6 Candidates
  • ReWi: 5 Candidates
  • PhilFak: 6 Candidates
  • TechFak: 4 Candidates

To check out what they stand for, directly go here: https://blogs.fau.de/proko/elections-and-candidates-2024/

Goodies for voters – Collect yours!

As they say, love goes through the stomach, we organised this year again yummy goodie stands for you, where you will get for free small ice cream or gummi bears. Those will be :


  • Erlangen South Mensa (11:30-14:00)


  • Erlangen Langemarck square (11:30-14:00)
  • Erlangen South Mensa (11:30-14:00)


  • MedFak/Ulmenweg Lecture theatres (10:00 – 13:30)
  • Erlangen South Mensa (11:30-14:00)

Election cup – Support your team!

As a side quest there is again the election cup to take from NatFak. Last year they managed to get 19.6 % of their Doctoral Researchers voting in the university election. The runner-ups were ReWi with 18,8 % and TechFak 15,3 %.

Will you be able to beat this with your faculty this year?

Support your (faculty-) team now and vote here: https://online-wahlen.fau.de/  !!!