
Last Thursday members of the Doctoral Researchers Representation met for their first in-person meeting of the year. Topics were the FAU Supervision Award (we'll have another blog entry on this soon), the status of LaProBay (which is searching for volunteers) and on finding ways to put up more doctor...

Category: Allgemein

As every year, elections are coming up this summer and the period for registering as a candidate is just around the corner. In the ongoing election period, we have not only stood up for your interest in politics, various commissions, and committees but were also aiming for connecting doctoral researchers at FAU better with each other, for example by regular socials like the monthly pub nights and sports classes. Certainly, there is still much more can be done. The time to get started is now. Join us to do an even better job in the upcoming year by more (wo)men power...

Category: Allgemein