Invitation to Feedback Meeting for Doctoral Candidates and PhD Students at the Faculty of Engineering
To address recent developments at the Faculty of Engineering, we invite all doctoral candidates and PhD students at the Faculty of Engineering to a feedback meeting. Especially formal regulations about how to use own publications in doctoral theses is an urgent but not yet consensual answered question. Hence, we would like to discuss the following issues with you:
– How to cite your own papers in your thesis: What is the current situation and what solution should we pursue?
– Cumulative Theses: Not permitted at our faculty yet, but it is worthwhile?
– Industry financed “scholarships” instead of employments: Is it a problem at the Faculty of Engineering?
– The formal regulations for your thesis & defense?
When: Thursday, 22nd of November 2018, starting at 18:00
Where: K1, Erwin-Rommel-Straße 60, 91058 Erlangen
We are looking forward to a vivid discussion. No registration needed. If you have any questions and suggestions, please contact us!