Author: Jakob Gabriel

# English version below Sommersemester ist Hochschulwahlsemester. Die Vertretung der Promovierenden wird ab Mitte Mai bis zum 20. Juni gewählt. Hierfür eröffnet nächste Woche die Einreichung der Wahlvorschläge und wir ermutigen Alle sich für die Provierenden an unserer FAU zu engagieren und sich ...

Category: Allgemein

More than 100 new doctoral candidates and interested students followed the invitation of the Graduate Centre for the Kick-Off 2017. Vice-President Prof. Paulsen and the head of the Graduate Centre Dr. Herberger welcomed the new doctoral candidates and explained the doctoral process at the FAU. A...

Category: Allgemein

Probably you have also experienced that the program of seminars offered by our Graduate Centre was already fully booked after the first couple of minutes. On the one hand this implies that the courses are very popular and useful, but on the other hand there are obviously too few of them. Therefore, ...

Category: Allgemein