
To all entrepreneurship, start-up & innovation enthusiasts: The FAU Digital Tech Academy proudly presents the new workshop series "Starting Business Ideas @FAU"! Are you.... ....just getting started with an idea? ...interested to see where you can go with your idea? ...trying to develo...

In der Molekular-Neurologischen Abteilung des Uniklinikums Erlangen ist eine Medizinische Promotionsarbeit zu vergeben. Projekttitel: Objektive Beurteilung der Krankheitsprogression beim Parkinson-Syndrom durch tragbare Sensorik Die Spezialambulanz für Bewegungsstörungen und das Motion Lab gehöre...

EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH CONTRIBUTING TO GENDER EQUALITY AND THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Call for Nominations: 3 April – 31 May 2023 Launched together by Falling Walls Female Science Talents and the Elsevier Foundation, the Women Breakthrough Award distinguishes three women...