Round-Table-Discussion: Women in Science
Are you curious about life as a female researcher in the area of carbon/materials/supramolecular chemistry after you finish graduate school or your post-doctoral position?
Do you have questions about the challenges and rewards facing researchers in carbon/materials/supramolecular chemistry?
On Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 11:30 – 13:30 h, Seminar Room No. 127, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Henkestr. 42, Erlangen, Professor Sara Eisler will host a luncheon and offer answers to the questions above, or others that you might have. From her earliest work as a graduate student with Professor Rik Tykwinski, and post-doctoral work with Professor François Diederich, to her current research, Professor Eisler has investigated the synthesis and properties of carbon-rich molecules and materials. Her broad experience in science, teaching, and mentoring gives her a unique perspective on what it takes to succeed. During this round-table discussion she offers to share this knowledge with you, and is interested in hearing about your student and post-doctoral experiences.
Lunch will be provided – Please RSVP by Friday April 8, 2016, if you would like to participate (email to Frau Ute Grochulla).