Priority Programme “Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization” (SPP 1962) – Deadline 31. October 2018
Many of the most challenging problems in the applied sciences involve non-differentiable structures as well as partial differential operators, thus leading to non-smooth distributed parameter systems. The goals of the Priority Programme “Non-Smooth and Complementarity-Based Distributed Parameter Systems: Simulation and Hierarchical Optimization” (SPP 1962) are to lay analytical foundations, to establish a basis for stable numerical approximation and to address the influence of parameters. The programme is designed to run for six years. Applications are now invited for the second three-year funding period of the programme.
- Proposals for the Priority Programme or for African-German cooperation projects have to be submitted starting 17 October and no later than 31 October 2018 via the DFG’s portal elan.
- For further information please visit the DFG website.