23rd Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules (BIMac2019)
The Polymer Institute would like to invite you and your colleagues to participate in the 23rd Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules: Computational Approach to Polymers in Biological and Soft Matter – BIMac2019 held from June 30 to July 3, 2019 in Falkensteiner Hotel in Bratislava, Slovakia.
With the growing computational power and development of new computational methods importance of computer simulations in the polymer science is increasing, complementing classical theory and experiment. Therefore, following the long-term tradition of Bratislava International Conferences on Macromolecules, this year the conference is going to cover research fields dealing with computer modeling of macromolecules with the scope covering polymer computational physics, biophysics, statistical mechanics, modeling of biological systems, polymer topology, polymers in confinement, soft condensed matter and approaches to systematic coarse-graining.
The BIMac2019 provides opportunities for polymer scientists who use computer simulations to share their experience and results, and establish new collaborations.
Following internationally-recognized scientists will be Invited speakers at the conference:
Prof. Maria Natália Dias Soeiro Cordeiro University of Porto, Portugal
Prof. Andrzej Stasiak University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Prof. Christos N. Likos University of Vienna, Austria
You can register through the conference webpage http://polymer.sav.sk/bimac. At the webpage you can also find the Abstract Template.
For further information, details and deadlines please find the attached conference announcement and visit the webpage http://polymer.sav.sk/bimac.
You can access the conference flyer here.