PhD Positions in Data-driven Agent-based Modeling of Social Influence and Attitude Dynamics
Jacobs University Bremen is a private, English-medium campus university, which is state-recognized by the State of Bremen. They are offering Bachelor, Master or PhD programs in three focus areas: Health, Mobility and Diversity. Their principles are first class research and teaching, international diversity and transdisciplinary cooperation. As an international university they attract highly talented and open-minded students from all over the world. Currently, approximately 1,400 students from 110 nations live and study on their residential campus.
For an Open Area Research (ORA) Project funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Jacobs University and partner organizations in France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom seek to fill
2 PhD Positions in Data-driven Agent-based Modeling of Social Influence and Attitude Dynamics (m/f/diverse)
(65% working time, limited for 3 years)
Job ID 19-30
Research Topics:
Recently, many societies shifted towards more polarization and volatility in opinions, for example in attitudes about immigration or climate policy, but underlying reasons are poorly understood. A key obstacle is that opinion dynamics in society involve a complex micro-macro interaction between fundamental interpersonal processes of social influence, meso-level conditions like network structures, and macro-level outcomes, like polarization in opinion distributions. Agent-based simulation models (ABM) offer powerful tools to bridge theoretically micro-level processes and macro-level dynamics.
The PhD projects will be concerned with the development, analysis, and validation of agent-based based models of attitude dynamics. Large-scale international surveys will be used for an initial data exploration as well as for validation of models. An introduction to the research topic can be found in the publication
Your qualifications:
- University degree (Master or Diploma)
- Experience in agent-based modeling and/or data analysis based on large-scale international social surveys
- Excellent command of English, both in written and oral communication
- Responsible, self-motivated, able to work independently, and in an interdisciplinary team
Candidates are expected to apply for enrolment as Affiliated Fellows in the Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences (BIGSSS) at Jacobs University, starting Sep 1, 2019.
Further questions can be addressed to Jan Lorenz
Your application:
Please send your application stating the Job ID and your availability as one pdf document via email to Ms. Patricia Herrmann, Human Resources,