Extension Application Deadline FAU-Mentoring ARIADNE TechNat doc/postdoc+

Up to and including 15 May 2020 you can apply for the 18-months FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat doc/postdoc+ which starts in October 2020. Due to the Corona Pandemic the application deadline has been extended by four weeks.

ARIANDETechNat doc/postdoc+ offers

  • individual advice and support for career planning issues in the form of one-to-one mentoring by experienced scientists at a higher qualification level and
  • a target-group-specific framework programme of high-quality workshops as well as ARIADNE network meetings.

The aim of the programme is to provide women scientists with individual and ideational support in planning an academic career. The mentors are experienced and successful scientists who share their personal experience in questions concerning the strategic planning of an academic career. The mentees gain insights into the structures, processes and (informal) rules of the university and academic world and can work on their individual questions with the mentors.

Detailed information can be found in the flyer (https://www.mentoring.fau.eu/files/2019/10/TechNat_Flyer_EN.pdf) and on the programme homepage at https://www.mentoring.fau.eu/ariadne-technat/. Here you can also view the current planning status of the event programme:

Important information for international scientists: A prerequisite for the acceptance into the programme is that you are present at FAU during the duration of the programme from October 2020 – March 2022 (or at least during the year 2021).

ARIADNETechNat is part of the FAU target agreements 2018-2022 for increasing the proportion of women in science.