Six Doctoral Scholarships at the Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses (BaFID), apply by 30 Nov. 2021
Six Doctoral Scholarships at the Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses (BaFID)
The Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses at the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg investigates the three monotheistic religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam in an innovative fashion. The central methodological anchor of the Center consists of conceptual-historical research into these three religions along comparative and discursive lines. The research conducted at BaFID highlights both commonalities and differences between the religions, and in the process strengthens the understanding of religious diversity.
The Hanns-Seidel-Foundation has provided the Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses (BaFID) with six doctoral scholarships whose term will begin on 01.01.2022. The doctoral candidates may pursue a doctorate in a subject relevant to BaFID (such as Philosophy, Theology, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, Religious Studies, History of Religion, Religious Pedagogy, as well as other disciplines within the humanities and social sciences) at the FAU or at a university of their choice. During the period of the doctoral fellowship, they are obliged to work at the BaFID headquarters in Erlangen, where they will acquire additional formally recognized qualifications in the field of interreligious discourses. Doctoral students will benefit from BaFID’s conferences, workshops, research colloquia and other projects, while interacting with senior scholars also conducting their interdisciplinary research at the Center. Additionally, the fellows will participate in a doctoral conference of the Hanns-Seidel-Foundation, along with other events put on by the foundation.
Application requirements:
• Master’s degree or diploma with above-average grades,
• an academic project that is expected to make an important contribution to the study of interreligious discourses between Judaism, Christianity and Islam,
• evidence of social/political engagement,
• an open-mind as it pertains to the major religious and political questions of the day,
• presence at BaFID at least two working days a week.
Excluded from funding are persons who
• have reached the age limit of 32,
• are either supported for the same purpose from other funds or have already been supported from public funds in the amount of the maximum funding offered during the fellowship period.
The doctoral scholarship is initially granted for a period of two years. An interim evaluation after the first year of funding is crucial for continued funding. The scholarship can be extended for a third year upon application.
The maximum funding rate for doctoral scholarships is €1,350 per month in addition to a research allowance of €100. In addition to the basic scholarship, a family supplement of €155 per month can be allotted if the grantee holds custody of at least one child living in his/her/their household. Doctoral students can apply for a child allowance in the form of a monthly lump sum of €155 for children and foster-children as defined by Section 32 (1) of the German Income Tax Act (EStG) up to the age of 18. For each additional child, the lump sum increases by €50 each up to a maximum of €255 per month.
If you have any further questions, please contact Dr. Andreas Burtscheidt (, phone 089-1258-306).
Please include the following documents in your application:
• Curriculum Vitae in tabular form
• Cover Letter explicating your interest in BaFID (approx. 1 page DIN A4),
• Exposé on the planned dissertation (approx. 3 pages DIN A4),
• Two Recommendation Letters by two professors concerning the dissertation project,
• Degree Certificate.
by 30.11.2021 as PDF by e-mail to Prof. Dr. Georges Tamer: or by mail to:
Bavarian Research Center for Interreligious Discourses
Prof. Dr. Georges Tamer
Bismarckstrasse 1
91054 Erlangen
By submitting an online application, you as an applicant give your consent for your data to be electronically processed and stored. We would like to point out that BaFID cannot guarantee the security of transmitted personal data if your application is sent electronically without encryption.
German version: