We cordially invite you to our next FAU Postdoc Day on July 3, 2023!

On July 3, 2023 we cordially invite you to the next FAU Postdoc Day, which will take place online via Zoom!

Please register in advance via StudOn.

With the motto ‘Active Career Planning for Postdocs’, the event will address the factors that are decisive for different academic and non-academic careers, highlight methods of active career planning and provide insights into the appointment interview that usually takes place behind closed doors.

The purpose of the event is to provide you with some ideas for planning your academic or non-academic career, to show you what support FAU provides for postdoctoral researchers and to offer a forum for exchanging ideas and information.

Gain some input and ideas for your path to success during presentations and discussions, get in touch with experts from FAU and talk to professors who have already been appointed.

Target group

The FAUpostdocday is aimed at postdoctoral researchers who have already gained their doctoral degrees up to and including habilitation/W1 professorship level.

Program of the day

09:00 a.m.
Welcome Note
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch, Vice President People
Dr. Christian Schmitt-Engel, Head of the FAU Graduate Center
09:20 a.m.
FAU Postdoc coaching

What career coaching can do for postdocs

Dr. Silke Schnurbusch, Head of the FAUnext Career Program, Coaching, FAU Graduate Center

09:30 a.m.

Teaching profile as part of professional development

Dr. Uwe Fahr, Fortbildungszentrum Hochschullehre (FBZHL)

10:15 a.m.
Keynote lecture

Up or Out: Career challenges in the postdoc phase

Prof. Dr. Heike Kahlert, Chair for Sociology/Social Inequality and Gender, Ruhr-University Bochum, FAU Emmy-Noether-Lecturer 2017

11:00 a.m.
Keynote lecture

A wide range of opportunities: career paths for postdocs

Dr. Gordon Bölling, Head of the Research Department, German Rector´s Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz-HRK)

13:00 p.m.
Appointment Process

The Appointment Process

Insights into the Appointment Process – The Interview with the Appointment Committee

Simulated FAU Appointment Committee with contributors from various faculties: Experienced members of FAU appointment committees re-enact interviews for a simulated appointment process. Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss what you have experienced.

14:50 p.m
Farewell speech
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch, Vice President People


Please address any questions regarding the event to: Dr. rer. nat. Janina Grosch
