Hector Research Career Development Award: apply by October 30, 2023

Founded in 2013, the Hector Fellow Academy (HFA) is a young academy of sciences in the fields of natural and engineering sciences as well as medicine and psychology. It offers a platform for networking, interdisciplinary exchange, and mutual inspiration to the laureates of the Hector Science Award. In addition, the Academy supports promising young researchers.

By awarding the Hector Research Career Development Award, the Hector Fellow Academy (HFA) enables W1 assistant professors – with or without tenure track – and junior research group leaders at German research institutions to further strengthen their independent research and to include them as temporary members in the HFA.

The HFA pursues the following objectives with the Award:
– Active promotion of researchers on their way to a professorship at an early stage of their career
– Expansion of the scientific exchange in the HFA
– Building new opportunities for cooperation between Hector Fellows and the Awardees.

Who can apply: W1 assistant professors (with or without Tenure Track) or own junior research group leaders in natural or engineering sciences, medicine or psychology (e.g. Emmy-Noether Programme (DFG), Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (AvH), or similar). Further application criteria can be found here: https://hector-fellow-academy.de/en/career-development/application/

The upcoming application period runs from September 1st to October 30th, 2023.

For further information regarding the award and the application process, please visit the Homepage of the Hector Fellow Academy (HFA).