CNV-Foundation grants for excellent women scientists in the field of experimental natural sciences

The grants of the CNV-Foundation are aimed at excellent women scientists in the field of experimental natural sciences. The CNV-Foundation sponsors graduate students from second year of their doctoral research on for as long as the project is still in its experimental stage, as well as postdoctoral fellows who have changed their area of research after their doctoral studies. Funding to continue research in the area of your doctoral research project will require particularly compelling reasons stated in your cover letter.

Eligible to apply are graduate students and postdoctoral fellows of all nationalities, who are conducting their research at a university or research institute in Germany, as well as postdoctoral fellows who have obtained their doctoral degree at a German university and continue their research abroad.

The funding amounts 500 Euro per month and is granted for one year. The stipend is not intended to cover the living expenses of the applicant and her family. These must already be covered from other sources. It is expected that during the funding period the applicant works full time.

Application deadline is November 30 of each calendar year. The application and references can be written in English as well as in German language. Applications can only be submitted online starting on September 1st each year.

For further information please visit the website of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation.