Second Call for Applications: EELISA Research Retreats

EELISA at FAU has opened a second Call for Applications for EELISA Research Retreats, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

The call aims in facilitating new European research collaborations with EELISA partners and also other partner institutions that could potentially lead to the preparation of European research proposals under Horizon Europe and other European or international calls.
The call is open to all researchers at FAU – no matter if early career researcher or full professor – who wish to invite researchers from at least one EELISA partner institution (i. e., UPM in Madrid, PSL in Paris, ENPC in Paris, ZHAW in Zurich, SNS in Pisa, SSSA in Pisa, BME in Budapest, UNSTBP in Bucharest, and ITU in Istanbul) to a research retreat (can be a workshop or a conference) at FAU. Additionally, researchers from other institutions may be invited as well.
The retreats can be one to maximum three days long and have to take place between the 16.09.24 and 15.12.2024
You can apply for up to €6.000 per retreat for catering, workshop materials, and room rental (depending on the number of days and participants).


Send your completed application form in one PDF file via email to until 10 September 2024.

For further information please visit:
