Ausschreibung: Stipendien SFB Transregio 154
The SFB Transregio 154 on Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization using the Example of Gas Networks is looking for applicants to several open Phd grants. Funding is up to 12 months and is in compliance with the regulations of the German Research Foundation.
The primary goal of the Transregio is to provide certified novel answers to some of the grand challenges in the turnaround of the energy policy, based on mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization. In order to achieve this goal new paradigms in the integration of these disciplines and in particular in the interplay between integer and nonlinear programming in the context of stochastic data have to be established and brought to bear.
Applicants of any nationality are eligible and we are in particular encouraging female applicants.
Details about the application process can be found on the Transregio Homepage.