Priority Programme “Scalable Interaction Paradigms for Pervasive Computing Environments” (SPP 2199) – Deadline 1.12.2018
The computer of our day-to-day environments offer a plethora of interaction techniques. The shift from interacting with dedicated “computers” to interacting with distributed ensembles of computational devices (so-called pervasive computing environments, PCE) will fundamentally change our understanding of interacting with a “system” in which almost any action turns into “operating a computer.” The overarching research question of the Priority Programme “Scalable Interaction Paradigms for Pervasive Computing Environments” is to understand the nature of interaction with large and complex pervasive computing environments and to explore suitable interaction paradigms.
- Proposals must be written in English and submitted to the DFG by 1 December 2018.
- Applicants must be registered in elan prior to submitting a proposal to the DFG. If you have not yet registered, please note that you must do so by 15 November 2018 to submit a proposal under this call.
- Further information regarding the programme is available on the DFG website.