Bis 20.01.19 bewerben – apply until 20.01.19: FAU Digital Tech Fellows Program – Start in Summer 2019

Zielgruppe: Promovierende aller Disziplinen an der FAU

Zum Sommersemester 2019 startet die FAU Digital Tech Academy einen neuen Durchlauf des „Digital Tech Fellows“-Programms – eines Qualifizierungsprogramms zu den Themen Digitalisierung, Technologie, Innovation und Unternehmertum.

Noch bis zum 20. Januar 2019 haben auch Promotionsstudierende aller Disziplinen der FAU (neben Studierenden grundständiger Studiengänge)  die Chance, sich für das einjährige, englischsprachige, extra-curriculare Qualifizierungsprogramm zu bewerben. Die Anzahl der Teilnehmenden pro Durchgang ist auf 25 Personen begrenzt. Der Kreis der Teilnehmenden wird in einem Auswahlprozess ermittelt. Sofern Sie selbst noch Promotionsstudent*in an der FAU für mindestens ein Jahr sein sollten, freuen wir uns über Ihre Bewerbung.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der englischsprachigen Information Educating Digital Changemakers – Be Part of Something Unique! 

Digital Tech Fellows is FAU’s new program open to outstanding digital talents from all FAU degree programs (incl. doctoral candidates) and faculties! We give you all you need to follow your heart and passion for digitization, entrepreneurship and innovation. Work in interdisciplinary teams, get in touch with international expert coaches and mentors, and develop creative solutions and your own pristine and validated business model.

Within one year, you will learn the newest state-of-the-art innovation methods and work in a small team on your entrepreneurial challenge. Choose either your own start-up idea or one of the highly enticing projects from our company partners. You’ll work with 24 other handpicked talents from FAU as well as our international expert coaches and mentors – a unique chance to widen your professional network globally.

That’s also why we’ll have a sports track with yoga, sailing and other exciting sports activities to foster team building and your personal skills– there is no place you can’t learn something for your project! All these skills and networks we provide will distinguish you significantly from other founders and entrepreneurs in your later work-life. In addition, at the end of that one year, you´ll have developed a first prototype and your own pristine and validated business model empowering you to enter your chosen market.

On top of that, some participants will get a highly exclusive grant to visit one of the top universities worldwide to network and also work on the international perspective of their project.

Sounds interesting? More information about the program and application (till Jan 20th, 2019). Any more questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us: