Call for applications: BIGSSS CSS Summer School on Social Cohesion (Application Deadline: 03.11.2019)
You are cordially invited to apply for participation as an expert and project leader in the computational
social science (CSS) summer school on data-driven modeling of social cohesion to take place in
Groningen (Netherlands), hosted by the Department of Sociology / ICS at the University of
Groningen from July 6 to 17, 2020. Female experts are particularly encouraged to apply.
The summer school will serve as a research incubator aimed at fostering the use of computational
methods in the social sciences and developing a topical contributions to the definition, measurement,
as well as causes and consequences of social cohesion broadly conceived. Possible topics relating to
social cohesion concern, for example, adherence to and compliance with prosocial norms, opinion
polarization, social segregation, or trust and cooperation. Eight teams of five people will be working on
specific research projects. Each team will consist of three junior researchers (MA/Ph.D./early Postdoc)
and two senior experts as project leaders, ideally one with strong methodological expertise in CSS and
the other with strong topical expertise. The goal is to train the 24 participating junior researchers in
CSS methods and to give them hands-on expertise in a cutting-edge research project on social
cohesion using CSS methods. Each team will work through the whole research process with the aim
to prepare a manuscript for scientific publication. The resulting output may be published in an edited
volume or a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal.
As project leader/expert you design and guide a research project of your own interest which combines
CSS methods with a topical focus on social cohesion in a broad sense. Further on, you give one
lecture or a hands-on workshop to all participants. The project may involve data-driven modeling,
make use of simulation or prediction, or it might look into the consequences of social cohesion, for
instance, its relation to conflicts and migration. We intend to tackle a blend of research questions
proposed by experts. You can choose to be involved in the assessment process for participants.
Travel expenses (economy class), accommodation, and meals (half-board) will be covered. A small
honorarium can be granted, if needed.
To apply , please submit one pdf file (max. 6 pages in total) by November 3, 2019 at
The file should include:
- Motivation. Short description of motivation.
- Expertise. Summary of your expertise in CSS methods or on the topic of social cohesion
(or an aspect of it). - Project proposal including data and methods. Applications as a team of two with a common
project idea are welcome. If you apply as a single expert without concrete project, let us know
your interest which helps us to find a match (2 pages max.) - Lecture or hands-on workshop. Title and a short description of one to three potential
method or topical lectures or hands-on workshop. - CV and publication list: A link to a website with both is sufficient.
The summer school receives generous funding from the Volkswagen Foundation as part of its
program International Research in Computational Social Sciences . It was preceded by a summer
school on conflicts in Bremen (Germany) and on migration in Sardinia (Italy).
Please visit for information on past research incubators and
more information on the application process.
Questions to Jan Lorenz at