CfA: Scholarship programme ‘Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching’ (FFL) 2024
We would like to draw your attention to the call for applications for the scholarship programme „Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching“ (FFL) for 2024, which is funded by the Free State of Bavaria for promoting equal opportunities. Detailed information on the funding available, criteria and selection procedure are available on the Office of Equality and Diversity website and in the Funding guidelines for the FFL programme available (in German and English).
Brief overview of scholarship opportunities
The Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women and Research and Teaching programme offers scholarships for particularly talented young female researchers for the 2024 funding period.
The current call for applications offers candidates at the qualification stage of their doctoral degree, postdoctoral researchers and habilitation candidates the opportunity to apply for a scholarship for up to 12 months. Excellent postdoctoral researchers may also apply for additional funding for the phase after submitting their habilitation for up to six months. In addition, young female researchers at each level of qualification may apply for scholarships to help them get back into research after interrupting their research project for parental leave.
Funding is available for all subjects; it is not necessary for women to be unrepresented in a specific subject at a certain qualification level.
Only women who plan to pursue their research career with the aim of becoming a professor at a German university will receive funding.
The monthly scholarship allowance is 1200 euros for doctoral candidates, 2400 euros for postdoctoral candidates, 2800 for postdoctoral candidates and 3200 euros for excellent postdoctoral researchers. The amount of the re-entry scholarship depends on the candidate’s qualifications.
Candidates must attend a preselection interview. Please make an appointment with Dr. Magda Luthay via Zoom if you are interested and prepared to take part in the programme ( You must attend this interview by February 15, 2024.
The scholarship must start between June 1 and September 1, 2024.
Please submit your digital application in English or German via the following link by February 29:
The evaluations shall be signed and the original copy sent by post (FAU, Graduiertenzentrum und wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs, Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen) or digitally with a digital signature sent from the reviewer’s institutional e-mail address to The decision about the funding is taken by the Commission for Research and Young Researchers chaired by the Vice President People. The University women’s representative is a voting member of this commission.
Funding for research projects in the field of gender studies
Funding of up to EUR 10,000 is available for research projects in the field of gender studies. Applicants must be a member of FAU to qualify for this funding. Funding is available for events such as conferences, symposia, summer schools or similar in the field of gender studies that will be hosted at FAU. Lectures and seminars cannot be funded as part of this programme. Funds must be spent within the respective calendar year. Applications must be submitted until April 15, 2024 to the Office of Equality and Diversity by e-mail ( If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please read the details information on the funding available and criteria on the Office of Equality and Diversity website and the Funding guidelines for the FFL programme.