Elsevier: 2024 Review – „Progress towards Equality in Research and Innovation“

The Elsevier publishing house has recently published a detailed report on gender equality in research and innovation, which sheds light on the progress made in the last 20 years worldwide in the fields of career development for women in science, scientific contribution of women and inclusion of women in scientific processes.

The results find that while there has been a significant progress towards equality and inclusion in science, the general pace of the transformation is rather slow and there are still significant steps to be taken. Women in general are still highly underrepresented in almost all scientific fields. When it comes to third-party funding, women still acquire less funding than men in their respective fields. Women publish less and it is less likely to be part of a publishing team. At the same time, women make significant scientific contributions in their fields, are often cited in policy texts and develop a scientific culture of interdisciplinarity, cooperation and sustainability. 

You can access the report here: https://assets.ctfassets.net/o78em1y1w4i4/3W1JKBd7ez41lAJKFWkB4l/d903f7578230d316bf18e702e870a137/Progress-Toward-Gender-Equality-in-Research-Innovation_2024-Review.pdf