Deadline 01.03.2010: Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law – Call for Papers

Am 11. und 12. Juni 2010 findet an der juristischen Fakultät von Kent ein Workshop für Doktoranden aus der ganzen Welt im Bereich Rechtsvergleichung statt. Veranstalter ist die British Association of Comparative Law (BACL).

The BACL Postgraduate Workshop on Comparative Law is designed for doctoral students working on dissertations in the field of comparative legal studies. The event takes place over two days (one afternoon and the following morning) and consists of two parts. The first part features a number of comparatists giving presentations on methodological aspects of comparative legal research while in the second part postgraduate students will make presentations of their own research projects. All workshop participants are invited to give feedback on each of these presentations.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Professor Reza Banakar, University of Westminster, UK
  • Dr Simone Glanert, University of Kent, UK
  • Professor Pierre Legrand, Université de Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), France
  • Professor Geoffrey Samuel, University of Kent, UK
  • Professor Franz Werro, University of Fribourg, Switzerland and Georgetown University Law Centre, Washington DC, USA, Co-Director of the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies, London, UK

Students interested in participating in the workshop should submit an abstract of no more than 400 words and a short biographical note by March 1st 2010. All inquiries and materials should be addressed to Dr Simone Glanert, Kent Centre for European and Comparative Law (

The BACL is subsidizing most of the costs of this event, but a student contribution of £25 will be required. Students will also be expected to pay for and organize their own transport to Canterbury. Overnight accommodation is not included but can readily be found in Canterbury.

For more infomation on this event, please visit the Centre’s website.