
Die Max Weber Stiftung (MWS) vergibt einmal jährlich Gerald D. Feldman-Reisebeihilfen an international orientierte Forschende in der Qualifizierungsphase. Mit den Reisebeihilfen sollen die beruflichen Chancen für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler in der Qualifikationsphas...

From July 14, 2023 at 02:00 CET to September 14, 2023 at 14:00 CET The call closes on 14 September 2023   Eurostars is part of the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs. The partnership is co-funded by the European Union through Horizon Europe. Eurostars is a funding instrument that suppo...

In order to strengthen international cooperation in the field of social sciences, wishing to fund high-quality scientific research within their own countries, and aware that some of the best research can be delivered by working with the best researchers internationally, the ORA partners are launchin...

The DFG offers a wide range of possibilities to support researchers in Germany and German institutions abroad in engaging in international cooperation. Researchers can submit funding proposals with researchers in any country at any time, in any subject area and with no limitation as to the specific...

APPLY NOW!   The DFG Doctoral Training Group GRK2599 (FAIR: Fine-Tuners of the Adaptive Immune Response) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Jäck, offers 10 positions for doctoral (PhD/Dr.rer.nat) candidates. Positions are available from January 01, 2024 and for a period of three...