
Ziel des Programms der "Japan Society for the Promotion of Science" (JSPS) ist es, deutschen Graduierten, Promovierenden und Postdoktoranden einen unmittelbaren Einblick in die japanische Kultur- und Wissenschaftslandschaft zum Erwerb frühzeitiger Erfahrungen im japanischen Forschungsumfeld zu ermög...

All you need to know from proposal submission to grant management in Horizon Europe! Three online seminars will take place this year on topics covering the full spectrum of the Horizon grant proposals: Finding opportunities and submitting a proposal in Horizon Europe: September 26, 09:30 a.m. t...

The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) as a partner of Biodiversa+ is pleased to announce the launch of the 2024–2025 joint call for research proposals on the topic “Biodiversity and Transformative Change” (referred to as BiodivTransform). This joint research call wil...