
  The Bayer Foundation invites you to nominate young scientists for the Early Excellence in Science Awards 2023 & Hansen Family Award 2023   Early Excellence in Science Awards 2023 With the Early Excellence in Science Awards (EESA), Bayer Foundation honors young scientists...

There are only a few innovations that fundamentally shape the way we live, work and interact with each other and our surroundings. Is your innovation one of them? Nokia Bell Labs is the world-renowned research and innovation arm of Nokia. Over its 95+ year history, Bell Labs has invented many of ...

Do you enjoy developing creative solutions? Do you like thinking outside the box? Do you want to gain insight into the startup community? If your answer to one or more of these questions is "yes", then don‘t miss SAOT‘s Innovation and Ideation Days ‘Rethinking Photonics 2023‘. Meet founders, deve...

Seit 2019 vergibt die Aventis Foundation jährlich ihren mit je 100.000€ dotierten "Life Sciences Bridge Award" an drei junge Wissenschaftler*innen aus den Lebenswissenschaften (Biologie, Biochemie, Chemie, Medizin, Pharmazie, auch in Kombination mit Mathematik oder Informatik), um sie gezielt auf ih...