
In der Molekular-Neurologischen Abteilung des Uniklinikums Erlangen ist eine Medizinische Promotionsarbeit zu vergeben. Projekttitel: Objektive Beurteilung der Krankheitsprogression beim Parkinson-Syndrom durch tragbare Sensorik Die Spezialambulanz für Bewegungsstörungen und das Motion Lab gehöre...

EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH CONTRIBUTING TO GENDER EQUALITY AND THE UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Call for Nominations: 3 April – 31 May 2023 Launched together by Falling Walls Female Science Talents and the Elsevier Foundation, the Women Breakthrough Award distinguishes three women...

The second EELISA Joint Call brings the first EELISA Joint call to the next level by covering two main topics: challenge-based learning activities and multiskilling learning and teaching activities to foster interdisciplinarity. Overall, these learning and teaching activities can be embedded in diff...