Habilitandinnen und Habilitanden

Mit der Förderung „ExperTeam4KI“ zielt das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) darauf ab, Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz beim Aufbau einer eigenen Forschungsgruppe und der eigenständigen Arbeit an innovativen, fachübergreifenden Forschungsideen zu unte...

The Chair of Organizational Behavior of the Alfred-Weber-Institute (AWI) for Economics at the University of Heidelberg is looking for participants for a study on the topic of Time Use, Networking Behavior & Visibility in Academia. Participants (female/male/diverse) should be at least at the Doc...

EELISA INNOvation and COmmon REsearch Strategy (InnoCORE) is the research and innovation wing of EELISA. Under InnoCORE, EELISA has put in place a set of initiatives to boost connections among EELISA researchers, namely the second call for research workshops EELISA Connect, the EELISA Re...

The team of the FAUnext career program is glad to invite you to the first talk of our brand new FAUnext4all series! In a highly informal context, “role models” of the FAU and FAU alumni give talks on topics of interest for our target group, early career researchers at FAU namely postdoctoral resea...

The European Commission has carefully assessed the challenges experienced by applicants for Horizon Europe grants affected by the situation in the Middle East. See Commission’s statement here. Taking into account these challenges, a decision has been taken to postpone the deadlines of the following...