
Each year, the Daimler and Benz Foundation awards twelve scholarships (two of them in cooperation with the Reinhard Frank-Foundation) to selected postdoc researchers, junior professors, and heads of junior research groups. The objective is to reinforce the autonomy and creativity of the up-and-comin...

The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) awards PhD fellowships to European citizens working in Europe or overseas and to non-European citizens pursuing their PhD projects in Europe. The PhD projects must be experimental, in the field of basic biomedical research, and aimed at elucidating basic biologic...

The Heinrich Böll Foundation grants scholarships to approximately 1500 undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral students of all subjects and nationalities per year, who are pursuing their degree at universities, universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulen’), or universities of the arts (‘Kunst...

Die ERC Starting Grants fördern vielversprechende Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen (2-7 Jahre nach der Promotion) am Beginn einer unabhängigen Karriere. Zielgruppe der ERC Starting Grants sind exzellente Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen, die eine eigene unabhängige Karriere starten und eine eigene Arbe...