
DFG is Germany’s largest independent research funding organisation, offering funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship. DFG regularly offers info talks on its funding instruments for early career researchers. Join the Prospects Series and get to kno...

Am 14. November 2022 startet die zehnte Runde des Multimedia-Wettbewerbs für die Wissenschaft Fast Forward Science. Gesucht werden Beiträge auf allen Social Media Kanälen, die aktuelle Forschung zeigen, kreativ kommunizieren und die Zielgruppen in den Bann ziehen. Beiträge können über fastforwardsci...

The Yidan Prize is an inclusive education award that recognizes individuals, or up to three-member teams, who have contributed significantly to education research and development. The prize aims to progress learning by building a global community committed to advancing ideas in education. The Yid...