
Mit einem Vortrag zum Thema „Den Krebs besiegen – Ein erreichbares Ziel?“ wird die renommierte Referentin Frau Prof. Dr. Anja Boßerhoff, Lehrstuhl für Biochemie und Molekulare Medizin der FAU, die Vorlesungsreihe am Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021 um 18:00 Uhr s.t. fortsetzen. Der Vortrag wird Fortschrit...

Calling doctoral candidates / researchers in healthcare (med, pharma, medtech)! From Scientists to Innovators for Industry (Sci Fi) is a three-month blended learning programme geared towards doctoral candidates / researchers in healthcare wanting to transition from academic research to the medtech...

FROM PHD TO INNOVATOR: How much of an entrepreneur is in you? Find out in this intensive two-day online workshop tailored to PhD’s and postdocs of all disciplines! Learn how to turn your PhD into a startup idea, meet real-life innovators & train your pitch story in front of the camera. Disco...