Deadline April 22, 2012: Young researchers in life science meeting 2012, Paris (May 14-16)
The young researchers associations of the five leading life science research institutes of Paris invite you to the Young Researchers in Life Science 2012 meeting.
The aim of conference is to create links between young researchers from France and abroad, and to provide a forum to share our ideas and scientific projects. A broad spectrum of life sciences is included, allowing participants to learn from different disciplines and broaden our view of science. This experience, in a lively and friendly environment, will inspire an evolution of our perspectives, and the exchange of new techniques and scientific approaches. The enthusiasm and energy of the meeting will allow us to bring a renewed perspective back to our projects and labs.
The conference will be held at Université Paris Diderot from May 14-16, 2012. We are pleased to present three distinguished keynote speakers: Oliver Hobert (Columbia University, New York), Tam Mignot (CNRS, Marseille), and Greg Velicer (ETH Zurich). The interactive program will include posters and oral presentations by young researchers, which will be chaired and judged by senior scientists in each field. In addition, there will be round-table discussions on the topic of career development.
Deadline: April 22 (early registration: March 25).