Habilitandinnen und Habilitanden

We are excited to announce the program of the GESIS Spring Seminar 2023! The Spring Seminar offers high-quality training in state-of-the-art techniques in quantitative data analysis taught by leading experts in the field. It is designed for advanced graduate or PhD students, post-docs, as well as...

Die DFG bietet erneut die Gelegenheit zur Einreichung von Antragsskizzen für Kolleg-Forschungsgruppen in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Kolleg-Forschungsgruppen sind ein speziell auf geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeitsformen zugeschnittenes Förderangebot. Die Förderdauer beträgt bis...

he Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the DFG are launching a call for proposals for outstanding joint UK-German research projects in the Humanities. Proposals should strengthen cooperation in the fields of arts and humanities between Germany and the UK. Proposals may be submitted in an...

A project by the Global Young Academy Working Group Trust in Young Scientists, in collaboration with the German National Institute for Science Communication (NaWik), funded by the Volkswagen Foundation from 2020-2022. Are you sometimes worried about the gap between science and society? Maybe yo...