We would like to invite you to our next Postdoc MeetUp on December 20, at 5 p.m.!
This time we will meet in Enoteca Erlangen (Schiffstraße 2, 91054 Erlangen) for some Christmas wine and snacks.
Please send a short email to nasia.pliakogianni@fau.de if you wish to join. See you all soon!
FAU P...
"For junior faculty in chemistry, physics and astronomy at German universities/research institutes:
Fulbright-Cottrell Award
Funding begins July 2024
With its Fulbright-Cottrell Award, the German-American Fulbright Commission in Berlin (Fulbright Germany) offers a unique opportunity for resear...
Mit dem DOSB-Wissenschaftspreis zeichnet der Deutsche Olympische Sportbund (DOSB) alle zwei Jahre herausragende sportwissenschaftliche Qualifikationsarbeiten aus. Damit setzt der DOSB die Tradition des Carl-Diem-Wettbewerbs fort, den der Deutsche Sportbund seit 1953 durchgeführt hat.
Als Wettbewerb...
A funding webinar series for global health researchers
28/11/2023, 12 - 01:30 PM
Funder: European Union (EU)
Funding programs: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions & European Research Council
Target audience: PhD students and postdocs from various disciplines
Please register in advance: https://...
We would like to draw your attention to the call for applications for the scholarship programme "Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching" (FFL) for 2024, which is funded by the Free State of Bavaria for promoting equal opportunities. Detailed information on the funding av...