
In der Prospects-Vortragsreihe stellt die DFG über das Jahr verteilt ihr Förderportfolio für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in frühen Karrierephasen vor. Am 10.05.2022 geht es erneut um das Walter Benjamin-Programm, dieses Mal auf Englisch. Interessierte Promovierende und Postdocs aller Fa...

The 2022 EUA-CDE Annual Meeting will address the question of time and timing, taking a close look at this key issue for doctoral education. Through workshops and sessions in various formats, this conference will provide an opportunity for the doctoral education community to come together and address...

Die Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) vergibt das Forschungsstipendium JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship (Standard) für Forschungsvorhaben in Japan. Bewerber: Postdoktoranden und Postdoktorandinnen, Promotion darf zum 1. April des Fiskaljahres, in dem das Stipendium angetreten wird, ni...

Guest lecture with Prof. Dr. Martina Bukač Topic: „Computational modeling of blood flow in abdominal aortic aneurysm and related problems in hemodynamics” Date: 24.03.2022, 14:00 c.t. Event language: English Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Martina Bukač, University of Notre Dame, USA Online Zo...

The Yidan Prize Foundation is a global philanthropic educational foundation. Through their prize and network of innovators, they support ideas and practices in education—specifically, ones with the power to positively change lives, systems, and society. The Yidan Prize is the world’s highest educati...